Red lentils

Useful properties of the red lentil

 - The red lentil is bleached, making it very fast for cooking - boils shorter than brown and is even easier to digest from the digestive system. This is one of its main advantages.

- It supplies the body with enough energy for plant protein.

- Regulates blood sugar levels, a good diet for diabetics.

- Contains a very high percentage of proteins (almost as high-quality meats) but a negligible amount of fat

"About a cup of it gives us approximately 30% of our recommended daily intake of fiber, which makes us feel fuller for a longer time. Large amounts of fiber are also an excellent addition to fighting high cholesterol

- Phosphorus, magnesium and potassium in it help correct metabolism and strengthen the nervous system. The vitamin B and vitamin B1 and B2.

- It has been shown to contain antioxidants that are very similar to those in red wine and tea.

- It does not accumulate nitrates and toxins in the body.