
Healthy benefits of onion consumption

Onions have many health attributes and scientists are still discovering how useful this vegetable is in fact. It is a very good source of Vitamin C and B6, Iron, Folic Acid and Potassium. The content of manganese in onion gives it anti-inflammatory properties and helps relieve colds and flu.

Onion-derived phytochemicals - Allium (Allium) and Allyl Disulphide - are converted to Allicin due to the enzymatic activation of onion head cuttings. Studies have shown that these compounds have anti-cancer and anti-diabetic properties while at the same time expanding the blood vessels, releasing nitric oxide. This may have a beneficial effect on blood pressure, prevent thrombus formation, and help reduce the risk of coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, and stroke.

The significant amounts of polyphenols (another phytochemical compound in onion) and the antioxidant flavonoid called Quercetin, which has proven anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic functions, are due to the good reputation that the onion has in preventing diseases.

Fortunately, the use of onions in soup cooking does not reduce the value of Quercetin in it, it is simply passed to the broth. Flavonoids in onions are more concentrated in the outer layers, so throw as little as possible in the peeling process.

Onions are one of the most recommended vegetables.
